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After a new global AdReaction study was published by Millward Brown, DCM's Research & Insight Manager, Michael Tull, offers further analysis...
Last month, Kantar Millward Brown released a new global AdReaction study Engaging with Gen X, Y and Z, that investigates the attitudes, behaviours and responses to advertising among three key generations.
The project’s aim is to help advertisers better understand what makes the generations different and how to effectively engage them with advertising. These three core generations are particularly interesting from a cinema perspective as Gen X, Y & Z account for 61% of all UK cinema admissions across the year (Source: CAA Film Monitor Coverage & Frequency).
Here are some of the study’s key insights and what they mean for advertising in cinema –
Receptivity across the day
Unsurprisingly Gen Z, who feel they have more free time than the older gens, are more receptive to advertising throughout the day. Receptiveness dramatically improves for Gen X and Y when the working day is over and positivity among all three gens peaks during the 6-9pm period.
Data from our cinemas also shows that admissions peak during this key period, with 36% of all tickets bought between 6-9pm. Factor in the audience’s peak receptiveness alongside the impact and undivided attention provided by the cinema environment and you can see why cinema can be an incredibly powerful channel for advertisers to take advantage of – and help ensure campaigns cut through and resonate with audiences.
Receptivity by mood
Being relaxed is the most pertinent mindset for receptiveness for all three generations. In addition to this, being faced with boredom or the need to pass the time and be entertained all increase receptiveness – particularly among Gen Z and Y.
Aligned to these mindsets that improve receptivity to advertising, all groups say that the context of movies, music and comedy are also key to making them more positive towards advertising. Given the content shown on the big screen and the positive emotional experience of going to the cinema, the results again indicate just how powerful the cinema experience can be in terms of making an audience more receptive to the advertising ahead of the film.
Gen Y’s receptivity to advertising
Some of the report’s most interesting findings relate specifically to the youngest cohort, Gen Z (16-19 year olds for the purpose of this research), who are the first generation to have exclusively lived in an ‘always on’ society. It’s clear from the findings that in this world brands face a challenge in getting through to this key audience.
As Jane Ostler, MD of Millward Brown, says: “Reaching UK Gen Z is a challenge for marketers, but cinema is the one medium with virtually no distractions, leading to higher receptivity. As Gen Z becomes an increasingly vital audience for brands in many categories, we expect to see advertisers using channels more strategically and to their best advantage.”
Despite being termed the “mobile-first generation”, the study has revealed that this doesn’t mean that mobile is the only, or even best way to connect with them from a brand perspective. They are more likely to skip online videos or find strategies (including ad blockers) to avoid advertising online/on mobile and it’s actually in traditional channels where this young generation are far more receptive to advertising.
Gen Z actually lead the way in their love of cinema and their openness to advertising within this environment. Specifically, in the UK, they respond better than the global Gen Z average to cinema ads with an acceptance level of nearly six in 10 (compared to the global average of just over 50%).
However, it’s not just Gen Z who display a receptiveness for cinema advertising – both older generations also rate advertising in cinema most positively alongside outdoor, magazines and (for Gen Y) TV advertising.
Why do audiences rate themselves as more receptive to cinema advertising? Well, in a world that’s increasingly multi-tasking, multi-screening and ‘always on’ the cinema environment remains an oasis from the outside world and lets people engage with just one thing for a few hours. Cinema remains an event in people’s diaries that they anticipate and look forward to – and this positive mindset helps make audiences more receptive to advertising, which they accept is part of and not an intrusion on the cinema experience.
With a film slate bursting with blockbusters that are going to excite and captivate Gen Z (and their older counterparts) this year, the big screen remains one of the most powerful advertising opportunities. It’s the place to be if you want to engage with these key audiences, capture their imagination and present your brand to them when they’re at their most open to its messaging.
After all, as Uncle Ben once told Spiderman (…well, almost): “with great power comes great receptivity."
For more information on getting your brand on the big screen please speak to your DCM sales representative.
For more information on Kantar Millward Brown’s study please see the AdReaction microsite.