PlayStation - 'Only on PlayStation

Advertiser PlayStation
Sector Entertainment & Leisure
Buying route Film Packs
Audience 16-34 Men
Sector Gaming
Target Audience 16-34 Men
Package Film packs
Creative Agency Studio Diva
Media Agency MediaCom


PlayStation identified that ‘exclusive games’ is the most significant driver for console purchase amongst its core audience and to maintain its market-leading position within a highly competitive gaming market it needed to continue promoting the breadth and quality of games available ‘Only on Playstation’. Ahead of the release of exclusive title Days Gone, PlayStation wanted to associate the game with other recent exclusives to help achieve their sales targets.


  • One of the biggest recent Playstation exclusives has been Marvel’s Spider-Man and with the release of Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame in cinema it was the perfect opportunity to leverage the power of the big screen and make the campaign contextually relevant in two of 2019’s biggest films. 
  • Cinema was the launch channel for the campaign and critical to delivering impact and awareness amongst its core gaming audience, with online video and DOOH coming in later. 
  • The core creative centred around a ‘supercut’ trailer, which featured Days Gone alongside a range of current and upcoming exclusives, re-enforcing the ‘Only on PlayStation’ messaging as a seal of quality. Playstation decided to split the trailer into three 20-second ads punctuating the reel with its games and landing its existing titles alongside the new release.
Only on Playstation