The Co-opeartive Group - One Co-op - It's What We DO

Advertiser The Co-Operative Group
Sector Retail & E-commerce
Buying route AGP
Audience ABC1 Adults
Sector Retail
Target Audience ABC1 Adults
Package HFSS AGP & Independent Cinema end frames
Creative Agency Lucky Generals
Media Agency Carat


  • Despite the good that Co-op do; the challenge remained that people didn’t know they were different. Some say they are vaguely ethical but most people were relatively neutral towards the brand.
  • Typically, Co-op has communicated its range of product and brand messages (Food, Funeral and Insurance) separately, but there was an opportunity to unite these and showcase the breadth of Co-op’s genuine point of difference and establish a link in people’s minds that when you shop with Co-op, it does good.


  • Cinema was perfect for Co-op to communicate at mass (in an engaged, fame building environment) as well as tapping into cinema’s importance in the local community to help drive relevance and deeper emotional connection based on local charitable causes.
  • Rocketman and Men In Black: International, alongside peak spots in some of TV’s biggest programming were selected as hero showcases of the campaign. To complement this, Co-op also ran an HFSS AGP to ensure mass awareness across the rest of the film slate to reach as wide and diverse an audience as possible.
  • Co-op showcased all three of its 30” TV ads in the reel to ensure the message that shopping with any part of The Co-Operative Group does good resonated with the audience.
  • To also land the local connection, Co-op utilised Cinemapper, DCM’s proximity planning tool, to identify key cinema sites close to the local causes that Co-op supports. It was discovered that the independent cinemas offered the best possible route to talk to the audience on a local level where a sense of community already exists, allowing Co-op to tap directly into this network of locally engaged cinemagoers. 
  • 213 different 10” end frames were created that were stitched to the final 30” in the reel - each of these end frames showcased the closest cause to the cinema helping to drive local & personal relevance.
The Co-operative Group - It's What We Do