A Christmas Close Up With Steve Davis, Head of Exhibition, Digital Cinema Media

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I want to start with a thank you. Thank you to everyone who has made my first five months within this industry so welcoming.

My primary role as Head of Exhibition has been to engage with our Exhibitors, get to know and understand your business in order to create a clear commercial strategy for growth. With your help I’ve been able to do exactly that. Since August, anyone who has met me, David Prosser or Rebecca Rau, will have heard about how our strategy is built around protecting and growing revenue, repositioning cinema and future proofing the business. The DCM Cinematic TMS rollout is a massive part of this.

We’ve also been working closely with Rob Tomalin, DCM's Head of Business Development, and have already been talking to some of you about how we are developing further methods of driving revenue to you in 2014. We're very excited about these new opportunities.

After spending nine years in Outdoor advertising (where people are still driving around in vans, climbing ladders and pasting up posters), to Digital Cinema Media, the levels of digital efficiency, flexibility and accountability we deliver is astounding. The potential for us to grow this medium - and ultimately revenue to you - is amazing.

Since joining DCM I’ve met some amazing people, and seen some truly fantastic venues and hidden gems, including The Berwick Maltings Arts Centre (Berwick-upon-Tweed, Border), Bognor Regis Picturedrome (Bognor Regis, West Sussex), Tyneside Cinema (Newcastle) and the Broadstairs Palace Cinema (Broadstairs, Kent). We have some great sites out there, which you will learn more about in 2014. I’ve never been to the cinema so much and I have to say, I’m loving every trip.

We’ve also had some great new additions to our portfolio, including The Olympic Studios in Barnes, the UKs first independent site equipped with Dolby Atmos. There are more to follow, which you will hear about very soon...

I would like to thank the CEA for helping facilitate some great conversations. The Perth and Torquay conferences provided a great deal of insight, as well as some really entertaining evenings along the way. Also I couldn’t leave out the CEA Christmas party. What a cracking evening. Thank you to everyone involved.

Finally I’d also like to thank the ‘DCM Close Up’ team - our Marketing department coordinates this newsletter, come rain or shine, sleet or snow, keeping you updated with the latest news and views within the industry. If you have any stories that you feel would be of interest to your fellow Exhibitors in 2014, please let me know.

2013 comes to a close with some cracking films (following a fairly rocking Summer) to get those admissions back up; Gravity (I’ve actually seen it twice), Rush (as an F1 nut I was really impressed), Captain Phillips, Philomena, Blue Jasmine (I’m also a huge Woody Allen fan - Cate Blanchett for Best Actress Golden Globe and Oscar) and Frozen (which I’m taking my clan to see at the weekend), here's to a bigger and better 2014.

I wish all the best to you and yours for the festive period. I look forward to collaborating with you further in 2014 and getting even more creative in the ways we can deliver you more revenue.

Merry Christmas one and all.

Festive regards,
