A view from the bottom with Matt Goodwin

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Matt Goodwin, Account Executive, Digital Cinema Media gives Campaign Magazine his unique view from the bottom.

Captain's log: it's 8.13 on Monday morning in the Digital Cinema Media offices. I'm early. In truth, the District line had a blinder this morning - all of the stops, none of the flops. And yet, two years into this game, I'm savvy enough to make my eager entrance look like it was planned. A brisk fire-up of the ol' Outlook, and it's probably a good thing I'm in early - it looks set to be a busy one.

I work in the sales team here at DCM, focusing my time and attention specifically on the lovely folk at independent media agencies. This week, a myriad of meetings are on the horizon as my manager prepares herself for maternity leave and prepares me for handling her side of the business while she’s away.

There are a lot of first-time introductions in store for me this week, namely at Havas and Arena, and instantly my mind starts to unravel as a social dilemma rears its ugly head. I mean, between you and me, what really is the etiquette here? Do you kiss one cheek upon greeting? Is two too cheeky? This is the sort of stuff that needs to be in your welcome pack – not a detailed description of where the stationery cupboard is. The chivalrous man that I am, I don’t kiss on a first meet. I’d normally take a lady out to the cinema first…

And while we’re on the subject of cinema, what a week it is! We’re in full swing with the BFI London Film Festival, in association with American Express, the UK’s premier public film event. DCM has an ongoing partnership with the organisers, so we’re able to take clients to advance screenings of the likes of Captain Phillips12 Years A Slave and Gravity. I managed to get a couple of tickets to a really good film called The Spectacular Now at the Hackney Picturehouse – an awesome place to watch a film, if you’ve never been.

On Thursday, I’m back with familiar and friendly faces at MJ Media, talking about opportunities around the new mobile app we are developing. The Cinime app will give advertisers the opportunity to combine the impact of the big screen with the intimacy of the small screen (once a salesman, always a salesman).We've had some fantastic executions during the test phase and it builds further on a host of new opportunities that DCM has brought to market over the past year. An example of this is the launch of a cinema campaign for The National Gallery, which has seen Total Media taking advantage of our "local package" offering.

Propelling an advertising company through an ever-changing media landscape can leave a guy feeling a little famished by the week’s end. There is only one answer to this lingering woe: lunch. It’s the answer to many questions: what’s between breakfast and dinner? What rhymes with munch? What’s going to get this brand on cinema? And, thankfully, it was the answer to the end of my week. We’re going full-steam ahead in the coming month, wrapping up Q4 business and focusing on the year ahead.

This article was originally published on campaignlive.co.uk and can be accessed here.