Andy Law on 'The Unique Power Of Cinema'

    Author DCM
    Categories cinema

DCM Gatsby Party-57

Fearlessly Frank's Andy Law tells The Huffington Post why cinema continues to engage, inspire and amaze audiences.

A few weeks ago my Fearlessly Frank colleagues and I were ushered into a small viewing theatre. It's the kind of place you'd watch an early cut of a film. A place deliberately catering for no more than 20 people, to ensure that too many cooks didn't insist on a reshoot of the final sequences to appease Hollywood moguls.

We were invited to watch The Better Man, co-written by our very own Tom McInnes and produced on a shoestring (no more than £3000) by "a few mates".

Obviously we braced ourselves for a grueling hour or so watching a ham, homemade "mates" effort.

It was actually very good. And it has now been entered into a film festival.

Computing and the Internet has made armchair directors and editors of millions of people round the planet.

But many millions more just enjoy the unique communication that film offers.

After all, look at the stats; over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube--that's almost an hour for every person on Earth, and 50% more than last year.

Film is fast, effortless and absorbing in a way that the written word can't, or needn't be. For many young people, film is their first introduction to literary classics. Sometimes it's their only introduction.

You can watch film anywhere you like now, since screen technology has opened up viewing opportunities literally everywhere, anyhow, anytime.

The full Huffington Post article can be read here.