CEA Regional Roadshow continues…

    Author DCM
    Categories cinema

cea roadshow

I write this as Rebecca and I travel from Newcastle to Greenock. Yesterday we had a great day at the Tyneside cinema with the lovely Jonny Tull. Thank you Jonny for putting on a fine show. The bar/restaurant they've created at Tyneside is amazing. It was great to catch up with Parkway, Propix, Ritz Thirsk, Plaza Workington, Savoy and obviously Tyneside. In the evening I also finally got to watch Pride at Tyneside. What a great film.

The open meeting kicked off with the CEA welcoming the Industry Trust. They gave us a great overview of the fine work they’ve been doing to prevent IP theft over the years and how they are combating those pirates! 1 in 3 people pirate apparently, which I found truly shocking! I’d forgotten just how powerful and etched into our psyche the ‘You wouldn't steal a car’ and ‘Knock off Nigel’ ads were. Also fascinating was their change in tack during the recession to ‘Thank You’.

This was followed by an update from Into Film. As mentioned previously, please contact Sam Wilson (sam.wilson@intofilm.org) to find out how you can get involved in Q4 2014 or 2015.

Grainne then gave us an update on Autism Awareness Week, more about this soon. She also told Exhibitors to be weary of ‘Hint’ and ‘Credibility’, two rival cards to the CEA card. More on this soon also.

We’re just pulling into Greenock West now, so it’s goodbye for myself and Miss Rau for now.

See you in Barnstaple!