DCM Business Update - 30 November 2020

    Author DCM

Karen Stacey, CEO, Digital Cinema Media:

Following the news that England’s lockdown will end on Wednesday 2 December with a new Tier system across the country, our cinema partners will be able to reopen their sites in Tier One and Tier Two areas. DCM will therefore resume offering advertising opportunities from this date onwards.

For all advertisers booking during this unprecedented time, DCM continues to offer flexible options including free cancellations, free deferrals or part payments, while closely monitoring the latest updates from the government, our cinemas reopening strategies and the subsequent admissions available.

While this is undoubtedly a tough time for cinema, from what we have already seen with the strong performance of Tenet in the UK cinemagoers trust the cinema experience and are excited to watch new content.

We know that despite the ongoing battle against this global pandemic, audiences and advertisers will return to maximise the experience of seeing big movies on the big screen and we know our industry will work together to bounce back from these difficult times.
