DCM Close Up with Caoimhin McClafferty of the Derry Brunswick Moviebowl

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This Week, DCM Close Up meets Caoimhin McClafferty, Operations Manager at the Brunswick Moviebowl in Derry. He tells us what’s unique about his cinema and the special events that have been hosted at the venue. To feature your cinema in a future issue, please email rebecca.rau@dcm.co.uk.

Caoimhin McClafferty for blog post

How did you end up working in cinema and what do you love about it?

In August 2011 a new, state of the art, 7 screen cinema extension opened at Brunswick Moviebowl and so began my career in the cinema business!

If I’m completely honest, I love absolutely everything about the cinema business but if I were to pick just one thing it would have to be the movies themselves.

What’s unique about your cinema?

I’d have to say it’s the attention to detail.  We’re sticklers for detail here at Brunswick Moviebowl as believe that it’s the culmination of little things that make the big difference!

Please tell us about any special events or screenings you run at your cinema.

We recently hosted the NI premiere of Man of Steel for Warner Bros Pictures which was a huge success and we also have a number of exciting events planned later in the year as part of Derry’s year as UK City of Culture 2013.

What excites you most about the future of the cinema industry?

The digitization of the cinema industry has proved to be a real game changer for exhibitors and I think this will continue for years to come.

What is your favourite movie and why?

My favourite movie has to be Lost In Translation.  I just love the captivating performances given by Bill Murray & Scarlet Johannson in this movie as well as the utterly sublime soundtrack.

What film role would you like to play why?

Oh it has to be The Hulk!  Just ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you why!

What do you think are the most iconic cinema ads and why?

For me, it has to be the Coca Cola Christmas cinema advert.  It’s not Christmas unless you’ve seen that big red lorry light up!