DCM Close Up With Jas Kapur of The Light House in Wolverhampton

The Lighthouse

This week, DCM Close Up speaks to Jas Kapur, Cinema/Operations & Technical Manager at The Light House in Wolverhampton. Jas tells DCM Close Up how he got his start in the industry and his plans to launch his problem-solving alter ego, ‘Jaz Kapone’.

How did you end up working in cinema and what do you love about it?

I have had a passion for photography, cinematography and everything creative from a young age and movies have been a part of my life ever since I started making films on my brother’s 8mm cine camera as a child. I was charmed by the projected image and the magical atmosphere it created, not to mention the wonder of the showmanship involved in projecting it, so it’s no surprise that I would end up working in the cinema industry!

Sure enough this happened in 1979 when I left school and started work at the local ABC Cinema in Wolverhampton as a projectionist and I learned all the skills of the trade over the years and grew up in a world of cinema. The ABC sadly closed in 1991 when my next calling beckoned and like a shining beacon across the way, Light House opened with all my interests under one roof and I have been there ever since. For me cinema delivers the full emotional spectrum, it makes you laugh, cry, be happy and sad, has you at the edge of your seat with excitement and fear and takes you to worlds beyond imagination. And all this in a surrounding of technical excellence (hopefully!).

What’s unique about your cinema?

Light House, a registered charity, is the Black Country’s only independent cinema housing two screens, three galleries and a café bar within the iconic Victorian architecture of The Chubb Buildings. We offer the city an exciting and packed programme of 21st century culture in a unique setting. It’s a meeting place for the curious, lively friendly minds of Wolverhampton and a place to feel at home, relax, take in a film, knit or read a book with a coffee or bottle of wine – a hidden gem reflecting the best of our city and the world. Light House has great links with the educational sector and hosts the Film Studies lectures run by the University of Wolverhampton, providing a unique platform to show some of the most iconic movies ever, whilst fulfilling and delivering the educational remit with the full cinematic experience. We are a few minutes away from the bus and rail stations providing easy access to national and international visitors.

Please tell us about any special events or screenings you run at your cinema.

Our programme consists of an eclectic mixture of contemporary, retrospective and latest release films as well as a good selection of world cinema titles and documentaries. We showcase and première films made by independent filmmakers and play host to a diverse range of film education and film festivals including the annual Deaf Festival which has been running here for over 16 years now. We offer a full range of productions from the Alternative Content market including NT, Operas, Ballet, Classical Music etc. which is proving immensely popular with our patrons coming from quite a way to experience them in our special setting.

Our friendly bar is bursting at the seams with activity! Throughout the week, you could be joining one of the popular language cafés and brushing up on you French, German, Spanish, Japanese or even the Queen’s language skills within a social setting, or you could showcase your musical and singing skills at either one of our open mic style set ups. If you’ve got a vinyl following, then you could come along to a buzzing evening at our All Hand’s on Decks/Vinyl World Music night within a safe and friendly environment. Fancy testing your film, TV and Music knowledge, the Film & TV/Music quizzes may be just your cup of tea! The list goes on and on!

What excites you most about the future of the cinema industry?

The technology to come is very exciting from Immersive Sound giving you the next level in cinema sound excellence and high frame rate supported films bringing the equivalent in visual delight. Other innovations in technology are something to look forward to, to push the boundaries of cinema as we know it!

The Alternative Content market shows no signs of let up, delivering an ever changing variety of different types of exciting content, testing and expanding the traditional setting of the cinema environment, whilst films are going from strength to strength to give a very rounded programme overall. What’s not to be excited about the future of the cinema industry with this scenario?

Jas Kapur Jas Kapur, Cinema/Operations & Technical Manager at The Light House Media Centre

What is your favourite movie and why?

Oh my god, there are too many, over 34 years in the industry to choose from, as well as so many classics!  I guess one of my favourites is Papillon, a story about two criminals sentenced to life imprisonment, who develop a bonding friendship whilst they endure a hellish sentence on a dreadful prison island. The acting by Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman is the finest in their careers and even the theme music is very touching and fits the film perfectly. Other favourites include Taxi Driver and Blade Runner.

What film role would you like to play why?

Definitely a super hero or gangster of course! I’m the person everyone turns to when there is a problem, and this happens every single day, whether at work, home or in a shop in the high street, and I have to kick into action! My motto, I can fix it in 10 seconds! Watch out world, make way for Jaz Kapone!! (my alter ego!)

What do you think are the most iconic cinema ads and why?

I love the Stella Artois ads for their classy look and polished delivery. Way back, the Levi’s ads where very iconic and I’ve always liked the Lynx ads too!

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your cinema or yourself?

I feel privileged to have seen so many changes and evolved with the cinema industry over the years, as it has developed from the ‘old school days’ to the ultra-modern times now and feel proud to have made my dent in the history of the cinema industry (I sound like Rutger Hauer from the end scene of Blade Runner now!)

My experience of working in the industry is showcased annually in the Heritage Tours for the city which has now been running for a few years and is set to continue annually due to its popularity. It is a great opportunity to show off our technical resources, from classic 35mm to up to date digital systems and to show our customers behind the scenes, how it all works. It’s nice to see that my years of experience and skills are helping play a part in forging the future of this beloved industry.

I am proud to boast very strong connections and relations with film distributors and screen advertising agencies (I love you DCM people!!) which has taken many years to build up through almost daily communications with them during film bookings, advertising and print related business. I have developed a great rapport with them and this has many advantages. It’s a nice feeling when colleagues meet at national events and we know each other on a first name basis, we’re all one big happy family really!