DCM Launches New Emotional Cinema Idents

DCM has created three new idents which aim to bring to life the “most emotionally impactful medium on earth”. Showing on nearly 3,000 cinema screens across the UK from this Friday (25 January), these short films are the most important creative expression of DCM’s new brand identity, which has been inspired by the company’s transition to digital last year.

DCM’s innovation consultancy Fearlessly Frank, who is working with the DCM team on a programme to reposition the business as a major new digital media platform, worked with long-time collaborator, renowned artist and designer Daniel Eatock, to help co-create the new idents and showcase the dynamic, emotive power of our medium. Production and post was managed by INTRO and the sound mix was handled by Jungle.

The three short films serve as a sensory explosion, coming from the idea that cinema is “the most emotionally impactful medium on earth”. This insight informed the idea behind the idents – to engage the audience and prime them for the advertising and the main feature.

The idents were specifically created for our exhibitors screens with tailored surround sound audio and dramatic cinema-quality visual content to entertain the audience and inspire brands to understand the power of the environment that is now available to them.

Based around three emotions – Amazement, Laughter and Suspense – the idents can also be planned by film, genre, time of day, showing, target audience and more, demonstrating the enhanced flexibility offered by digital cinema.

“Our new brand identity was created to represent the dynamic, creative possibilities offered by cinema advertising, says DCM’s Marketing Director Zöe Jones. “Tapping into the emotional power of the movies enables us to express this on the big screen through the first of a series of short films that we hope will not only entertain cinemagoers across the UK, but also show, rather than tell, how our digital transition enables deeper audience engagement through dynamic planning.”

“We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Zöe and the team at DCM,” adds Fearlessly Frank’s Co-Founder Ben Little. “For advertisers, cinema going digital is a bit like Dylan going electric was for music – exciting and full of possibility to experiment and innovate.”

Watch all 3 new idents in their full glory below!

[embed width=550]http://youtu.be/TpGiZgtgwXg[/embed]

[embed width=550]http://youtu.be/kZyk4wLkMYY[/embed]

[embed width=550]http://youtu.be/5V6KOlSbvPw[/embed]