DCM presents "Everything you need to know about cinema in 2013" at Mindshare cinema week

    Author DCM
    Categories Events


Last week, the DCM Superheroes descended upon Mindshare with one mission in mind, educate everyone in the building on everything they need to know about cinema in 2013.

The week kicked off with a photo opportunity starring Iron Man and Superman, with cinema tickets up for grabs via Twitter. Check out the entries by searching the hash tag #MindshareCinemaWeek

The first session of the week was the big one, Everything you need to know about cinema in 2013, hosted by DCM Agency Lead Andrew Bishop. He covered off all the big developments in the industry, such as production costs for transferring TV laydown to cinema have been reduced by up to 80% and lead-times being cut by 75%.

He went on to detail the big releases coming this year, including Man of Steel, The Lone Ranger and Elysium.

The next session on the agenda was Cinema Insight and Evaluation, covering off cinema audience segments such as ABC1 25-44s and Families, including how they consume films and their social media habits. For example, 21% of 25-44s follow/ like/ join the official social media page of a specific film to receive news and content updates, making them interested and engaged consumers (source: CAA FAME 2013).

A lively quiz session on Thursday night kept the tempo running high and granted bragging rights to the winning team.

The final session of the week was on Innovation and Sponsorship, detailing the 360 consumer journey - from a consumer researching a film they want to see, purchasing a ticket, arriving at the cinema, pre and post film screening and how to effectively reach them at every point on this journey.

Throughout the week, DCM contacts were on hand for drop in surgery sessions and to work on live briefs.

If you have any questions on Cinema in 2013 or would like to host a Cinema Week, Seminar, Quiz or trailer session at your agency, please send your enquiries to info@dcm.co.uk