DCM supports Normandy Memorial Trust

    Author DCM

DCM is proud to support the latest campaign from the Normandy Memorial Trust.

The campaign focuses on the newly unveiled British Normandy Memorial. In 2017, D-Day Veteran George Batts secured £20m of LIBOR funding from the then Prime Minister, David Cameron. This funding allowed George to fulfil a dream and build a memorial to the 22,442 men and women who died on D-Day and during the Battle of Normandy while serving under British Command. 

The Normandy Memorial Trust was established and in February the Prince of Wales became the Trust’s Royal Patron.

The charity is honoured to be in touch with a number of veterans who have lent their firm support to the project - one of which is Harry Billinge, who can be seen every day fundraising in St. Austell High Street, Cornwall.

The campaign ran in cinemas in the two weeks leading up the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.

DCM arranged for Harry to visit his local cinema to view the Normandy Trust copy and see himself on the big screen at the WTW Scott’s Cinema in St Austell. A big thank you to Mark Williams.

More information about the Normandy Memorial Trust is available here.