DCM wins Best Use of Data Sets category at 2016 Media Research Awards

    Author Zoe Aresti

Digital Cinema Media (DCM) won the Best Use of Data Sets category for its proximity planning tool, Cinemapper, at the 2016 Media Research Awards.

The judges described Cinemapper as “an impressive means to be more pro-active in its discussions with agencies and clients in demonstrating how cinema can drive retail footfall”.

Lynne Robinson, research director at the IPA said: "Cinemapper brings together DCM's own databases, industry sources, an end frame system and a new software tool to enable DCM to deliver highly targeted national cinema campaigns with specific local messaging.

"The new dataset has allowed cinema to take maximum advantage of its move to being a full digital operation and has already attracted new advertisers to the medium."

Hosted by Mediatel, the Media Research Awards celebrate those organisations and individuals that are driving innovation and development in UK media research. 

The 'Best Use of Data Sets' award is dedicated to the best use of a combination of data sets to meet a business challenge. This can cover ‘Big data’, server data, user databases, client databases, return path data or sales data, fusions between them or hybrid approaches. The data could be used exclusively to deliver insight or integrated with survey research. The emphasis should be on the methods used to bring the sources together to produce insights and on the value delivered as a result.

A proprietary proximity planning tool, Cinemapper gives brands the ability to run national campaigns with a local spin all across the UK. The tool hosts details on thousands of retail locations, to better understand a clients business, and also holds demographic data, so brands can locate their ideal customers, target them more accurately and cut out wastage. Cinemapper has also boosted the efficiency of end frames – a localised messaging service unique to cinema which means, in a single creative execution, brands can talk directly to audiences in the environment they are most comfortable – where they live.

The winners were announced at a ceremony hosted on 11 February at London’s Banking Hall.

Read more about all the winners here.