Fantasy Film League - The Summer Edition leaderboard update (week 6)

    Author Zoe Aresti

If you entered our Fantasy Film League - The Summer Edition back in June, you'll be itching to know how you're getting on.

We received over 300 entries to the competition when it launched and industry film buffs have been battling it out with their opening weekend predictions ever since for the chance to be crowned king or queen of the box office this summer.

With a dream team theme, a play on the fantasy football concept, we asked you to pick 11 films launching this summer based on what you thought would bring in the most millions at the box office and the latest results are in.

The current leaderboard boasts representatives from companies including Starcom Mediavest Group, MediaCom, Havas Media, Nickelodeon, Airbnb, Filmology and ODEON making for a thrilling race as the competition heats up.

Now in week six and with the Rio Olympics kicking off you can track your progress below in the top 20 or download the current leaderboard here.

Daniele, Mutant, £38,918,211
Paul Parry, Filmology, £37,313,663
Chiara Greyling, Starcom MediaVest, £36,297,576
Guy Edwards, ZenithOptimedia, £36,076,061
Jemma Samuelson, MediaCom, £36,076,061
Adam Powell, Kinetic, £35,977,207
Helen Gibbon, AMS, £35,156,118
Charlotte Powers, MediaCom, £35,137,378
Fabien Callens, KGA, £35,137,378
Jessica Court, Nickelodeon, £35,038,524
Jonathan Bitel, UM London, £34,893,566
Nick Ward, Hypnosis, £34,791,107
Keith Garrow, Dorking Halls, £34,638,978
Martin O'Boyle, Starcom Mediavest Group, £34,589,448
Saul Walkinshaw, Havas Media, £34,552,683
Justine Zwikker, Barnes Cinema, Ltd £34,471,513
Emma Turner, Dennis Publishing, £34,428,915
Ben Kendall, Airbnb, £34,372,659
Helen Yerbury, MediaCom, £34,295,765
Alex Crawford, ODEON Cinemas, £34,246,441