Final Harry Potter draws big-league brands to cinema

Brands including Audi, Anchor and LG are investing in significant cinema activity around the final Harry Potter film, which opens next month.

Advertising slots in the first weekend of the much anticipated final in the franchise are already booked up and spots have been snapped up faster than for all the previous films as brands clamour to engage with the film’s huge fanbase.

High-end car brand Audi has booked with Digital Cinema Media to run a 150 second ad before the film, plus three 10-second ads for the Audio A1. Audi is one of five brands so far who have taken advantage of the film being screened for the first time in full 3D. Anchor, LG and Kellogg’s Krave will also be showcasing 3D creative in cinemas this summer.

Other top brands advertising around the film include Cravendale and EA Games.

The final film in the most successful film franchise of all time is expected to gross £29.4m in the Box Office in its first week in the UK. DCM forecasts that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (Cert 12A) will attract a family audience with an even split between male and female cinemagoers.

Simon Rees, Managing Director at DCM said today, “Harry Potter is the most anticipated film of the decade and we aren’t surprised brands have been so keen to reach such a huge audience. We’ve had a fantastic run of films lately with Hangover 2, Pirates and X-Men all attracting large numbers of cinemagoers. It looks like this summer will break records and we’ll see a similar picture in the Autumn.’

With a multitude of blockbusters set to hit the screens, this summer is a major opportunity for brands to be a part of this exciting season and movie line up. Cinema audiences in the UK have been growing steadily for a decade and a half and summer time is particularly good at delivering box office sales. Last year 40 % of yearly Box Office sales came from July and August and this year’s summer line up looks set to draw big crowds.