Situation critical: why context matters in media planning

    Author DCM

On 17 October, as part of EFFWeek 2019, a week of events reimagining effectiveness and creativity for the future, DCM’s Head of Research & Insight Sarah Dack will be taking part in a panel session on the importance of context in media planning.

Situation Critical: why context matters in media planning is a collaborative event brought to you by UK media trade bodies: AA, AOP, DCM, DMA, IAB, Magnetic, Newsworks, Outsmart, Radiocentre, and Thinkbox.

The importance of context in advertising communication is indisputable. However, in recent years there has been a lot of emphasis within media on targeting - reaching the right people efficiently - occasionally at the expense of environmental considerations. 

Under pressure to unlock new advantage, many agencies and advertisers are reconsidering the role of context in enhancing relevance of messaging by reaching not just the right people, but also in the right place (editorial context) and at the right time (consumer context).

This event presents media planners with a whistle-stop tour of the distinct but complementary pieces of work conducted by media trade bodies that reveal the value of context in driving advertising effectiveness and explore how to optimise these effects.

For more information and to sign up for the event, click here