Latest WARC study shows cinema outpacing all other traditional media

    Author DCM

Cinema advertising growth is outpacing all other traditional media, with Netflix’s rise showing no notable impact, as shown in WARC's latest Global Advertising Trends study.

The global cinema advertising market is expected to be worth $4.6bn this year, representing a 6.8% rise from 2018. This is ahead of the all media growth forecast by WARC, the international marketing intelligence service, of 4.6% for 2019 (to $624.9bn), and places cinema as the second-fastest growing ad medium this year, behind internet as a whole.


James McDonald, Managing Editor, WARC Data, and author of the research, says: “The experiential nature of cinema places it in a different bracket to SVOD services, which instead occupy a similar space to traditional TV. This, coupled with the exclusivity of box office hits – particularly franchises – should ensure any downward pressure from SVOD services is minimal in the short term.

“Cinema offers advertisers access to younger, more affluent audiences who have an affinity with the medium. This enables ads to be screened in a brand safe environment where they will be noticed, often in a location that is close to a retail outlet and, by extension, a point of purchase.”

A sample report of WARC’s latest Global Ad Trends report on Cinema is available here. WARC Data is available by subscription only. For more information visit