#MGOMDPopcornSessions Hosted By Digital Cinema Media

MGOMD Popcorn Sessions

Throughout last week, DCM’s Opera sales team were out and about, educating the teams from MGOMD on the benefits of cinema and helping dispel myths around the medium.

The DCM Budget Superheroes invaded the MGOMD reception for a photo opportunity and gave staff the chance to win cinema passes for the best poses with Superman and Iron Man.

The first session of the week was on how to target ABC1 cinemagoers. Insights from DCM Research included that ABC1 Cinemagoers feel a trip to the cinema is an affordable indulgence. They think it’s a great way to spend time with friends and family – a guaranteed entertaining night out. Also, they’re curious and adventurous – but not indiscriminately so. They’ve got more demands on their time as they are developing their careers and starting families, so their curiosity requires some focus.

Next up on the agenda was a session designed to dispel some of the myths around the cinema medium. One of the major misconceptions around the medium is the proximity of cinemas to purchase points, myth busted! 88%* of DCM’s estate is located in a retail environment or on a high street, add in to that the fact that 43%* of cinemagoers engage in retail activities after a movie and the myth is well and truly blown apart.

Thursday night saw everyone’s competitive streak brought to the fore with a DCM Movie Quiz. The bragging rights went to a team that put in a superb effort, "The Touchables", who won a very closely contested quiz by half a point.

The final session of the week was joint effort from Lee Besser, Digital Sponsorship Manager at DCM and Rebecca Ennis, Account Manager at PrimeSight, who updated the assembled audience on the creative possibilities available to cinema advertisers, including cinime, DCM’s cinema companion app.

Rebecca Ennis went on to detail the advantages of digital 6 sheets and some of the standout campaigns from this year, including O2’s “Tracks” campaign, which generated over 42k interactions and over 2m click-thrus over the course of the campaign.

For more information on the presentations given, or if you would like to host a cinema week, please contact your DCM sales representative.

* Source: Coverage: CAA end Q4 2012. Proximity: DCM analysis. Scheduling: Available July 2013 FAME 2012