Mirror Mirror Review

With hindsight it seemed a very strange thing for me to do.  Having a child-free weekend, I decided to venture to the cinema to watch Mirror Mirror.  In my defence, the girlfriend wanted to see it, and with this not being a “must watch” for me, I went along safe in the knowledge I was gaining numerous brownie points.

Mirror Mirror is the first of two Snow White inspired films this year, and to my surprise it proved very enjoyable.  I am assuming most people on planet earth know the plot line of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, so I will spare you the entire synopsis.  However, this story line came with lots of laughs, plus a few twists along the way.  For a start the dwarves were actually a band of robbers – hold on I thought – this is a bit different.  Plus the dwarf’s names had been upgraded to a more macho group of Napoleon, Chuckles, Half-pint, Grub, Grim, Woolf and Butcher.  After all, imagine being mugged by somebody called 'Happy'?!

Julia Roberts steals the show by playing the evil queen, and delivering a script to keep the children hissing, whilst amusing the adults in the audience with her dry humour.  Her evil deeds are carried out by her hapless servant Brighton who keeps the audience chuckling with his buffoonery.  Ably supported by Lily Collins (daughter of Phil), who plays Snow White, whilst sporting a pair of eyebrows that would make Groucho Marx jealous, the plot moves along at a good pace, with all the action scenes tailored to a younger audience.  There is even a cameo from Sean Bean at the end to keep all ends of the female spectrum happy.

Whilst watchable by all, it’s definitely one for girls of all ages.  There is enough in the film to maintain an edge for the younger end of the audience, but enough humour to keep the more mature viewers amused.  It’s not going to win loads of awards, but is definitely worth a visit for all those 'wannabe Princesses' out there.

[embed width=550]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CHXHEIGb7A[/embed]