Project X

    Author DCM
    Categories Film Focus

Yet another perk of my DCM job presented itself on Tuesday afternoon with the offer of a free ticket to a screening of the much talked about movie Project X.

Being a massive fan of the work Todd Phillips did on the original Hangover Movie, I had high hopes for a film that from the trailer had me wishing I was 18 again. A few beers in the cinema foyer kindly donated by Warner and I was ready!

After two Warner trailers, the second being The Dark Knight Rises (which by the way, still looks epic even after seeing it for the 100th time), Project X kicked off. Filmed in the much used 'found footage' style, you very quickly knew where this film was going; three slightly geeky unpopular-but-likeable, high school students looking to throw a birthday party while the parents were away to gain some cred and cool points...What could go wrong?!

Without spoiling too much of the plot, the next hour of the movie didn't disappoint! Imagine if you had a party at your parents’ house that got 'slightly' out of control. Well, project X covered every nightmare you could ever have. Anything that could happen, well as things that you wouldn’t believe could happen did! Let's just say I would still be indebted to parents by the time I was cashing in my pension if this happened to me.

Overall an enjoyable movie with plenty of laughs and cringe moments. The three main characters Thomas, JB and most certainly Costa (Oliver Cooper) are very funny, believable and likeable, with the latter being destined for a career of Superbad-esque type movies.

Honestly, this release is not going to win any awards, but for a night of laughing out loud, an abundance of on-screen nudity and a general wishing that you had got an invite to that party ....go see Project X!

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