Steve Davis, Head of Exhibition, Looks Ahead to CineEurope 2014

    Author DCM
    Categories cinema


‘What happened to the first half of 2014? I can’t believe it’s June already, and that CineEurope is next week!

The bags are not quiet packed yet, and with both Rebecca and I up at the crack of dawn Monday morning, it’s going to be a long day. That said, we’re both really looking forward to representing DCM at this year’s event - first time for me. Last year DCM had some great meetings and learnt a lot about the evolving digital arena within Cinema.

As mentioned, Simon Rose, DCM’s IT Director, will be attending with us. As you know IT is a really core component, not only to the DCM business, but also to the Exhibition strategy, as we continue to make advances in our systems and services to benefit you - our customer.

Simon will be meeting with a number of potential partners who will help us discover the ‘Next Big Thing’, ensuring that DCM continue to lead as market innovator. This may result in something that make your life easier, or generate additional revenue opportunities for you.

As well as the jam packed conference agenda, more on this next week, there are some really interesting films lined up. There’s a very hush-hush Disney screening planned… and I’m especially looking forward to seeing Helen Mirren’s latest - The Hundred-Foot Journey. Although I will taking Tom Linay’s (our Head of Film) advice he gave for Chef, “Eat before the film”. I am testament to this, following last night’s DCM Tuesday screening of ‘Chef’, at the brand new (10 days open) Ham Yard Hotel, just off of Piccadilly. Sufficed to say I spent most of the film salivating over the amazing dishes. It’s a lovely ‘feel good’ film with an amazing ensemble cast, great socially relevant script and cracking soundtrack - I heartily recommend it.

Whilst in CineEurope Rebecca and I will also be catching up with a number of DCM Exhibitors including Letchworth Broadway, Zeffirellis, Iveagh Movie Studios and SSVC among others.

So I’ll sign off now so I can start packing. We’ll be blogging and sending you a live DCM Close Up update during the week, and as promised, we’ll update you with our findings and the latest news form CineEurope in the coming weeks. If there’s anything specific you wish us to investigate, or companies you would like us to meet whilst we’re out there, please drop us an email.

A Beintot