Steve Davis on the CEA Devon, Cornwall and West of England Meeting

Stevfe Davis for Blog

Steve Davis, Head of Exhibition at DCM, continues his trip around the UK, this week stopping in Torquay for the second in the series of recent CEA meetings.

This week I write from the CEA Devon, Cornwall and West of England branch meeting in Torquay. The closed session is currently taking place, and my ears are burning a little…

Last week’s Leicester meeting was a great success. Simon Brown, Theatrical Investigator for FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft) gave an excellent presentation on the challenges faced in tackling film theft. It was fascinating looking into the investigation process and seeing how FACT is making advances against the pirates! As criminals get more sophisticated (including a world first of someone trying to perfect 3D pirating - by welding two cameras together) FACT aims to continue its world leading programme which has dramatically reduced the number of UK sourced illegal recordings. Please click here and forward onto your colleges to learn more and potentially win £500!

We also saw some great trailers from up and coming features from Fox, Disney and Warner Bros. The top three for me were Guardians of the Galaxy, Starred Up and Interstellar - the anticipation for Nolan’s next piece is almost palpable…

The Torquay meeting had a good attendance, despite Mother Nature taking out the railway needed to get here. Rebecca, David and myself caught up with the lovely Pat and Beryl Scott (The Ritz Cinema Burnham-on-Sea), Geoff Greaves, Alex Jones, Craig May and the rest of the Merlin team - our gracious hosts, Mr Cunard (Branch Chairman) and Mark Cosgrove (Bristol Watershed) amongst others.

Mark was also here representing the Film Audience Network and delivered a very interactive presentation, talking about how they are looking to support cinemas in screening British Independent and Specialist films by way of funding. More on this in a couple of weeks.

Also on the agenda was Grainne Peat, of the CEA, giving us an update regarding some of the great work going on regarding Disability and Access, including National Autism Awareness week, the CEA card changes and Access trailer. More about these in next week’s DCM Close Up.

So we’re off now to the trailer session in Torquay (I love my job), followed by dinner at The Palace this evening. So until the 23rd April, when we will be descending on St. Andrews in bonnie Scotland, I bid you farewell.

Best regards,
