The BFI Art Of Frankenweenie Exhibition

You attend the opening of a showcase such as this knowing you are going to witness something special but never truly expecting what your about to see.

Having seen the film at its premiere the previous week and loving every minute of it, seeing the ideas, creations and the making behind the film was even more fascinating (note to all potential attendees - see the movie first).

For those who don't know, Frankenweenie is created with models and sets and it’s easy to forget this when you watch the film as it is just flawless!

The exhibition gives an insight into Tim Burton's mind and the work that he and his team put into a film such as this. Timely but rewarding work that took an idea in 1984, the death of a beloved dog, over 3 years, an abundance of creative talent, a studio in east London and the mind of a genius in film!

To create one moment of a scene involved models that have been carefully and lovingly crafted, being moved millimetre by millimetre. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. Move a fraction. Shoot. That wouldn't even give you a wave of a models hand. And what's even more fascinating is the work that goes into the faces of the models. Mechanics in the eyebrows, mouth and nose, all controlled in some way by an Alan key disguised as an ear!

Visiting an exhibition like this gives you a renewed appreciation for film and the work that goes into making each and every one... Some more than others of course!!

For any film lover, Frankenweenie fan or Tim button fanatic this is a must attend exhibition! Don't miss out!

Oh and finally, look out for Mr. Whiskers. Best character in the film and cutest model at the exhibition!