The CEA releases new trailer to promote accessible cinema

A new cinema trailer promoting the availability of accessible screenings is due to hit UK cinemas later this month.

The UK cinema sector is a world leader in the provision of subtitled and audio described screenings for those with a hearing or visual impairment. Following the conversion of all sites to digital projection technology, all are capable of showing subtitled screenings. And over half can also provide audio description.


However, despite this, take up of these screenings remains quite low, with not enough cinema-goers who might benefit from these developments seemingly aware of the opportunities that now exist for them to enjoy the latest movie releases.

In an attempt to address this, last year the CEA - in partnership with members of its Disability Working Group including Deluxe Digital and Encore,  supported the development and distribution of a new short cinema trailer to promote the availability of these services in UK cinemas.

To watch the trailer and find out what subtitled and audio described films are showing in your area, click here.