The Digital Cinema Media Awards: the categories

    Author Zoe Aresti

Digital Cinema Media (DCM) is now accepting entries for The Digital Cinema Media Awards 2016, which celebrate and reward the best advertising work showcased in cinema by the media industry over the last year.
The awards, which are now in their second year, are held in conjunction with Campaign. 

There are six award categories open for entry, plus one overall Grand Prix for the most effective and forward-thinking campaign of the last year, which is chosen by the judging panel solely from the winners of the five main entry categories.
This year a new award has also been announced, the ‘Best ‘marketing for good’ cinema campaign’, to recognise campaigns that have delivered a tangible and lasting impact for good.

All campaigns must have been exhibited in the cinema within the judging period of July 2015 to July 2016. 
The award categories are: 

Best use of dynamic targeting in cinema
This category rewards campaigns which demonstrate the best use of the dynamic targeting capabilities of digital cinema. Entries could include campaigns that employ tactical and topical messaging and engagement, proximity targeting, transactional capability via smartphones or integration with social media.

Best use of cinema in an integrated campaign
This category rewards the most outstanding integrated and multi-platform campaign that uses cinema media alongside at least one other media platform (e.g. radio or TV) or marketing discipline (e.g. PR, point-of-sale). Entries could include campaigns that employ different touchpoints of the cinemagoing journey, for example digital 6 sheets, mobile, sampling and the big screen within the cinema environment, OR campaigns that work across multiple media platforms. 

Entries should explain the role of each chosen campaign element, including relative weights, timings and regionality and how they worked with and amplified each other to contribute to the overall success of the campaign.

Best long-term cinema campaign
This category rewards long-term campaigns that have used cinema media as part of their strategy for a significantly longer period than the average six week campaign, or have run multiple bursts as part of a long-term campaign over a period of months.

Entries should demonstrate how the campaign has effectively used cinema for brand-building, story-telling and to build and reinforce messaging over a long period of time.

Best newcomer to cinema 
This category is for new brands or brands who have not used cinema before it went digital in September 2012.

Entries should demonstrate why cinema was chosen for the brand and the campaign and how it contributed to the brand’s objectives.

Best use of innovation in cinema
This category rewards campaigns that can demonstrate genuinely innovative thinking, whether through new technology, new formats, new insight or planning.

Entries should explore new and effective collaboration, different ways of working, innovative thinking in communications planning and how the cinema medium can be used in a new way to deliver results for brands.

Best ‘marketing for good’ cinema campaign
This category is new to the Digital Cinema Media Awards for 2016 and recognises campaigns that have delivered a tangible impact for good. We believe advertising is a force for good and we are keen to see entries that demonstrate how cinema contributed to delivering value to a cause or organisation, changed consumer attitudes and behaviour or delivered sustainable benefits to society or the environment.

The Prizes
Prizes include cinema tickets, exclusive hire of our screening room, a red carpet experience for four people and a cinema screen-time campaign to the value of £100,000.* 

*To be used in Q1 2017. No barter. Production not included. Limited to 30” copy. All subject to DCM approval. 

The awards are free to enter and the closing date for submissions is Friday 8 July. The judging will take place on Monday 5 September and the winners will be announced on Thursday 22 September at a red carpet ceremony at the Ham Yard Hotel. 

For more details, or to register for updates, hints and tips, go to or email