The Hunger Games

    Author DCM
    Categories Film News

Hunger Games fans have been treated this week with the release of three new motion posters. In an interesting marketing move, the posters show off products that you can buy in the imaginary future-world of Panem (or at least the affluent Capitol). Hmm we are not too sure that skyliner will take off, are you?

Featuring on the posters are Lenny Kravitz’ (Cinna) Katniss's stylist in The Hunger Games, Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman) the Captiol's favourite television host, and Wes Bentley (Seneca Crane) the Head Game maker.

The Hunger Games began as a trilogy of novels and is now predicted to become one of the biggest blockbusters of 2012. With the Harry Potter franchise complete and Twilight soon to be releasing its hold over the collective imagination, the youth of today need a new franchise phenomenon to fixate on and The Hunger Games looks set to be it.

Check out the motion posters and trailer below.

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