The Tyneside Cinema teams up with Sanderson Weatherall to go greener


Newcastle’s Tyneside Cinema has set out to become one of the most environmentally friendly arts facilities in the UK. With its very own ‘Green Team’ in tow, the cinema seeks to build on its existing commitment to sustainability, as well as its on-going action to minimise its carbon and environmental impacts.

The eco-friendly decision coincides with the cinema’s recent partnership with its long term property management partner, Sanderson Weatherall, who has joined forces to implement carbon reduction measures that will come into place alongside the cinema’s upcoming £1.3m expansion.

Tyneside’s ‘Green Team’ was formed with the purpose of engaging both staff and customers about the cinema’s environmental initiatives, whilst creating and implementing new ideas to drive change across the organisation. The cinema’s achievement of a 2-star Industry Green certification in 2012/13 signifies the cinema’s commitment to its environmental activities and they believe they can do even more to tackle environmental issues whilst boosting the local economy with their expansion.


Leigh Venus, Venue Manager at Tyneside Cinema, said of the partnership: “Sanderson Weatherall understands our commitment to customer service and our need to cause as little disruption to our very busy film and events programme as possible, so that the experience of our customers is never compromised. As the age-old saying goes ‘the show must go on’ and Sanderson Weatherall provide a service that fits in wholly with the cinema’s operations and our increasingly important environmental responsibilities.

“As part of our on-going efforts to become more sustainable we are looking into alternative and renewable technologies which could reduce our environmental impact, and we will continue to work with Sanderson Weatherall as explore these options and develop our environmental action plan.”

The Tyneside, which has been running since 1937, is the last surviving operational Newsreel theatre in the UK and has proven to be an extremely popular venue; particularly since its last major renovation in 2008. The upcoming expansion will give the cinema front door access on Newcastle’s bustling Pilgrim Street, opening itself to a wave of potential customers who, come Summer 2014, will have access to a brand new cinema screen, art gallery, café and bar, in addition to the Tyneside’s current range of facilities.

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