Trailer Buzz: Wonder Woman 1984

    Author DCM

With Tenet in cinemas, it’s time to look ahead to the next few months and the blockbuster content we can look forward to and it’s particularly exciting for the 16-34 audience and superhero fans. Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman is one of the best superhero films of recent years; Gal Gadot was perfect in the lead and they’ve paired up again for this sequel, which follows Diana Prince in the mid-80s. Kristen Wiig is excitingly cast as the villain, Cheetah and Chris Pine returns as Steve Trevor. Hold onto your lassos, it's all set to be a cracker.

Don't miss the chance to engage 16-34s as Q4 kicks off with a wonderful bang.

  • We're forecasting 2.4m industry admissions for Wonder Woman 1984, a highly-anticipated sequel following the success of the first instalment in 2017.
  • Over half of Wonder Woman's audience was aged between 16-34, equating to over 1m eyeballs and nearly 9 TVRs.

Gadot's return presents a brilliant opportunity for brands to reach a tech-savvy, early adopting audience.

  • Superhero fans 'love to buy new gadgets' (149 index vs. avg. UK adult) and have 'technology that makes their lives easier at home' (129 index).

The Gold, Silver and Bronze spots are still available so speak to your DCM rep about how you can get involved.

See the final trailer below: