UK digital funding partnership completes its digital roll-out

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The UK Digital Funding Partnership (DFP) has announced the completion of its strategy to support the conversion of independent cinema sites to digital cinema technology.

Working through its VPF-funded deployment partner, dcinex, the DFP has now ensured the full digitisation of almost 300 independent cinema screens across the UK, equipping them with DCI-specified equipment and ensuring that they will be able to take advantage of all the new and exciting opportunities that this technology allows.

As a result of this change, DFP members will be able to offer their customers a wider range of viewing experiences, both through the showing of ‘alternative content’ (in particular theatre, opera, sporting and music events, etc.) as well as the ability to operate with more flexible and innovative programming. This successful navigation of the digital transition also ensures that audiences will continue to enjoy a broad range of cinemas across the UK.

Recognising the unique nature of the DFP’s success, Culture Minister, the Hon. Ed Vaizey commented: “I am delighted that, through the excellent work of the Digital Funding Partnership, the UK has led the way to become among the first major film territories in the world to have a fully digitised sector, and the first in Europe to do so without recourse to public money. That the conversion has been achieved in this way, and with little or no loss of cinema screens, only makes the achievement more remarkable, and is a testament to the sector’s ability to work together for the greater good.”

Steve Perrin, CEO of the DFP and principal architect of the digitisation strategy said: “This was of necessity a very complex and arduous task, though one that was supported by the whole industry, including the major circuits. The project has ensured that almost 100 smaller cinema sites, representing around 300 cinema screens, have been able to convert to digital projection technology under the best possible terms and conditions. Without this scheme - as we are unfortunately seeing in a number of other territories, a large number of cinemas would have been seriously disadvantaged, perhaps to the extent that many would have been forced to close.”

Phil Clapp, CEO of the Cinema Exhibitors’ Association, which laid the foundations for the establishment of the DFP, said: “The bottom line is that the DFP has ensured that the independent cinema sector will remain able to compete and prosper in a modern environment. The support of the larger DFP securing a digital future for UK cinemas operator members of the CEA was instrumental in its establishment and I know they are as delighted as any to have seen its work through from the beginning to such a successful conclusion.”