United Nations World Food Programme announces new ‘Feed Our Future’ cinema campaign

    Author DCM

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has unveiled the latest instalment of its ‘Feed Our Future’ cinema campaign, in partnership with the Global Cinema Advertising Association. The creative was unveiled during the SAWA seminar at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.

Following on from a successful 2018 campaign, the 60-second cinema ad was directed by Nick Gordon and conceived by advertising legend Sir John Hegarty and The Garage Soho, and will be screened in more than 30 countries from September 2019. The creative features music from Yusef Islam/Cat Stevens, and concludes with a call to action to donate to the programme.

"Advertising isn't just there for selling stuff. It's also there to help save lives", said Sir John Hegarty of the campaign.

“Cinema has stirred and educated audiences in Cinemas since the first film arrived. Following the success of our Global Cinema ad in 2018, we believe that the medium of Cinema can motivate audiences to create a movement for Zero Hunger”, said Cheryl Wannell, CEO of SAWA. “The global cinema medium is inspired by hunger to feed our future, and we are proud to partner with the World Food Programme again this year to support their efforts to minimize the impact of hunger by engaging this very influential audience”. 

“Last year, we saw the impact movie audiences can have when they are moved by compassion and urgency to help achieve a world without hunger,” said David Beasley, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme. “Thanks to the continued support from SAWA and the Global Cinema Advertising Companies, we believe even more people will be motivated this year to join the cause and help ensure that no children no longer have to worry where their next meal will come from.”

For more information on the campaign, click here.